"Ever noticed when you wear a certain shirt then during the day you will see people with similar shirts? Happens when you wear a certain type of shoe as well." I said as we drove to work one morning.
"I've never thought about it but it does happen as so." My father replied.
I didn't talk any more but let the idea soak in the moment that later passed into days that he then asked, "What did you mean when you told me of the analogy of the shirt and shoes?" It was then that I was certain that the old man must have been in thoughts about the simple, yet hardly noticed, fact.
To this I replied and later now expound that the presence of the subjects in comparison cannot be refuted on times that slipped our attention. Everything exists. All at once, if you will. However our scope of vision is limited to our own thoughts. Clothe thy mind in the softness of a silk shirt and classiness of Oxford leather shoes to which then, and only then, wilt thou see a replica of gentleness and luxury in life.
Guard thy heart, the Bible says in Proverbs, with all diligence because from out of it flows the issues of life. We sculpt our lives to that which is within us. We speak it into existence as further put in Matthew that 'Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh.' What happens when we speak? When we say unto the mountains to move? And we have no doubt?
Enough of the literal masturbation, here's a recent real-life example: I recently wanted to get myself new pairs of socks because what I had developed breather holes for my toes. It was easy for me to go into a clothing store and get myself some socks but I opted to test out the theory. I held onto the thought of a hawker coming to me and selling me the socks that I wanted. You can call it a mere coincidence but days later, yet never seen before for many months, a seller came to my doorsteps.
I was fascinated by the order of events. I thus gave it another try. I really wanted peanut butter so that I could have it in my evening post-workout shake. I went to the supermarket but the cost and nature of the available peanut butter brands didn't please me. I resolved to keep it in mind knowing well that it will come to me exactly as I want it. A few days later, guess who was at my doorsteps? A lady from Homabay, speaking Kikuyu and called Kerubo came to sell me peanut butter! What are the odds? Unexplainably, as I am typing this thinking of the her social nature, she just called me now! I'll go nuts! Pun intended.
Lastly, in the awe of the power of my thoughts, I said to myself, "Let me bring to life money. I will be specific about it. Ksh10,000/=." Before I carry on, let me point out a movie character that said 'It takes tremendous fortitude to carry on when you see what others cannot.' At this point I cannot explain how on the same day my father said, "Here's ten thousand for now. The rest will come." Money aside. The words, "...for now. The rest will come." leaves me speechless.
I once told my best-friend Allan that every time I think of a former classmate called Alex, it always happens that he reaches out almost immediately. I told Alex the same and he said, "no homo bro." But explain to me how my brother Kevin last year wanted to fly business class before the end of the year and yet on his return flight on 30th December, having booked economy, he shared pictures of him at business class with these exact caption: '...my dream for 2023 was fulfilled and I didn't even pay extra for it. I constantly spoke it and it happened.'
I can share more personal deeper cases but even then, will these matters be understood if laid out? Scientists call it frequency of relation. Spiritualists call it manifestation from the ethos of the universe. Christians call it unmovable faith. Gamblers call it luck. I say, be careful what you wish for, or think, thereof. From the unseen realms sits listeners of causation who pick on our desires, mold them into tangible existence, and places them on our laps with the cardinal principle 'Ask and it shall be given.' That is when thoughts become things.